Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jawaban FORESEC certificate in computer forensic 2013

Halo gan, :D ini ane mau share Jawaban FORESEC certificate in computer forensic 2013. Ya lumayan bahan buat persiapan agan-agan yang siapa tau lagi nyari-nyari bahan buat Test Computer Forensic.
Ane sempet dapet ujian FORESEC certificate in computer forensic / FCCF.
Hope ini berguna buat agan-agan sekalian :).

Untuk Soal-soalnya+jawaban bisa di donlot disini gan:
          yang bawahan itu soal-soal lain versi barunya gan, menganalisa tehnologi yg lebih baru. disoal entu ada tentag enkripsi yg diguaain Blackberry, terus perosedur investigasi pada ipod dll. udah keren, cuman pas ane ujian ngak keluar sih :D, ya buat di baca-baca nambah ilmu kan lumayan, sekalian juga memantapkan persiapan ujian FORESEC computer forendicnya.
* and itu link ke rtikel ane sebelumya gan :).

Nah ini lagsug tampilan googledocnya:
Soal-soal diatas udah ada langsung jawabanya kok gan, andkeluar itu pas ujian ane :D. Luamayan gan untuk persiapan ataupun mau agan dalami, disana banyak membahas tentag HONEYPOT, IIS, IDS, Tool Forensic, Oprating System dan juga prosedur computer forensic. Disana juga dituntut pengetahuan mengenai menganalisa log file honeypot. Menganalisa heder email dan sebagainya :D.

312-49 Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Exam 2012

Setelah sebelumnya ane ngepost Jawaban FORESEC Information Security Lvl 4 ini ane mau berbagi referensi materi lagi, lumayan buat persiapan agan yg lagi mau test atau buat bahan belajar juga lumayan.
Ini versi 2012 nya, versi terbaru kumpulan soal-soal exam computer forensic.
"312-49 (v.1) Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator. Computer hacking forensic investigation is the process of detecting hacking attacks and properly extracting evidence to report the crime and conduct audits to prevent future attacks."

Selamat berjuang gan:

Langsung aja di download disini gan:

entu ane host di google drive.
Berikut sekilas bocoran soalnya :

        1.    If a PDA is seized in an investigation while the device is turned on, what would be the proper procedure?
A. Keep the device powered on
B. Turn off the device immediately
C. Remove the battery immediately
D. Remove any memory cards immediately

2.       What hashing method is used to password protect Blackberry devices?
B. RC5
C. MD5
D. SHA-1

3.       You have been asked to investigate the possibility of computer fraud in the finance department of a company. It is suspected that a staff member has been committing finance fraud by printing cheques that have not been authorized. You have exhaustively searched all data files on a bitmap image of the target computer, but have found no evidence. You suspect the files may not have been saved.
What should you examine next in this case?
A. The registry
B. The swapfile
C. The recycle bin
D. The metadata

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jawaban FORESEC information security level 4 | 312-49 Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator 2011

Post perdana di tahun 2013, ane mau share soal-soal test FORESEC information security level 4. 
Buat temen-temen seperjuangan monggo di donloat, lumayan buat bahan. ini udah + kunci jawaban. :).  Sekilas info nih gan, di pdf ini ada 200an soal, ini hasil sunting dari sumber aiotestking.com. Soalnya di sumbernya itu sistemya online jadi cuman satu satu keliatan, ini ane pdfin biar gampag aja plajarinya :D.

filenya ane host di google docs, monggo di click:

Berikut bocoran isinya kayak gini:
1. If you come across a sheepdip machine at your client site, what would you infer?
A.  Asheepdip coordinates several honeypots
B.  Asheepdip computer is another name for a honeypot
C.  Asheepdip computer is used only for virus-checking.
D.  Asheepdip computer defers a denial of service attack

2.  In a computer forensics investigation, what describes the route that evidence takes from the time you find it
until the case is closed or goes to court?
A.  rules of evidence
B.  law of probability
C.  chain of custody
D.  policy of separation

3.  How many characters long is the fixed-length MD5 algorithm checksum of a critical system file?
A.  128
B.  64
C.  32
D.  16



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